Theatre Review: Ben Fogle – Wild

After an unexpected offer of last-minute tickets to see Ben Fogle, I became excited at the prospect of seeing a show I hadn’t expected to see! Having never been to Theatre Royal & Royal Concert Hall, I was impressed with its imposing presence from the outside and its ornate beauty inside.

Ben’s one man show incorporated tales of childhood, his re-wilding (or reconnecting with nature), taking risks and pushing his limits. There were also film extracts from his endeavours and impressive achievements – like rowing across the Atlantic, racing to the south pole in Antarctica and scaling the top of Everest – to the eclectic mix of characters Ben has met and spent time with throughout his career on the series ‘New Lives In The Wild’. From his initial foray into living an unconventional lifestyle, all those years ago on the reality TV show Castaway 2000, to his recent trip to the Congo, Ben entertained us with his stories. Ben’s impressive array of places he has visited, experiences he has undertaken and tales of people he has met made for an absorbing show. There was also a segment of audience engagement where people posed interesting, and sometimes amusing, questions!

Ben shared his personal struggles, and what he has learned on his journey through life so far. He was a delight – engaging, funny, insightful. Ben left the audience with positive messages and (to quote one of the people Ben has met along the way) he left us with a sense of us all having ‘an ocean of possibilities’!

By Katy PVdS

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