Having really wanted to go see this production down in London but never quite making it happen, I was over the moon to see it coming to us here in Nottingham and it did not disappoint.
There was a disconcerting start attacking your auditory and visual senses, which was maintained throughout.
“Ghosts fill the gaps”
The premise is simple, a dinner party, one evening, in a couples new home. The juxtaposition of the upper class Sam with Ben – played by the amazing Jay McGuiness – the boyfriend builder being introduced to the group by the less common uni friend Lauren.
This play is more than a ghost story it explores peoples religious and spiritual beliefs and prejudices. Its science vs experience, the lizard vs the monkey. It challenges and entertains you at the same time.
There is an uncomfortable atmosphere created by every aspect of the story. From the baby screaming, the foxes, and the underlying knowledge that we are all waiting for a ghost to appear all of which are amplified by the clash of opinions and an ongoing marriage dispute.
At the midway interval there was actually a round of applause from the audience; something I’ve never actually experienced at a play, possibly at a musical if half time occurs after a particularly good belter but never at a play. This is theatrical entertainment at its best.
The set has depth despite being static, the lighting is subtle but gently and ingeniously shifts the mood, and the acting is without fault. How something so simple can be so powerful, emotive and entertaining is a pure work of art.

“Understanding how gravity works won’t make it hurt less when you fall“
How Robbins plays fear and humor against each other is incredible, these two most instinctual and powerful emotions are bounced off each other perfectly to keep you fully engrossed and on edge.
Personally I was invested from beginning to end by this masterpiece, it was a modern breath of fresh of air in the somewhat repetitive plays that do the rounds. Easily the best play of the past decade, it deserves all the accolades and publicity its received and more.
Be prepared for plenty of jumps and somewhat shit, but welcome, jokes. 100% recommend this play to anyone, but unsurprisingly it is almost sold out, you may get lucky and get tickets here at www.trch.co.uk
Review by Josie Opal
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